This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Northwestern Cornerbacks Coach LaMarcus Hicks takes you through a drill he does with his corners called “Quick Release.”
The video is taken from his DB Press Man Techniques & Drills lesson from his S.H.A.R.P. DB System which is available in Glazier Drive.
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- WR Splits–Normal, Close, Stack
- Situationals–Field Zone, Down & Distance
- The phases of a routeRelease–Is the receiver a speed release or a pick a direction?
Top of the Route (Break point, finish)
Objective for press technique–BE DISRUPTIVE!
- Delay the receiver as long as possible.
- Throw off the timing of the route.
- Do not allow free releases upfield–widen the release to throw off the timing between the quarterback and the receive.
- Coach teaches mirror kick technique. It’s about eyes, feet, and patience. These are more important than hands. Hands are still important, but not as important as eyes, feet, and patience.
- The eyes should be locked on the belt buckle of the receiver.
- Parallel stance with feet shoulder width. Bend at the ankles, knees, and hips. Shoulders down.
- Elbows should be bent with the wrists slightly cocked. Hands should be up and in a position to strike the receiver.
- Ready step should be with the leverage side foot.
- Feet active and quiet.