This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Learn 6 game-like ball security drills to reduce your fumbles.
The presenter is Elijah Brooks. Coach Brooks coaches running backs at the University of Maryland.
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The drills you will see are: Walking/Running Exchange, Explosive Movement, Cone Drills, Bag Drill, Falling Fumble, Hit and Roll, and Gauntlet.
Check out coach’s entire clinic on Glazir Drive at: Maryland RB Progressions: Run Game, Pass Pro, Receiving
The foundation for all of their running back drills begins with stance and starts.
Coach Brooks works stance and starts from quarterback under center, pistol, and from the gun.
He uses cones and line strips in practice drills to simulate the distance from the quarterback that they will be aligned. It provides a visual que as to the landmark they will be seeking. Examples are inside leg of the tackle or outside leg of the guard
The steps they work are:
Under Center or in Pistol
1) Midline lead
2) Open crossover balance (mid zone)
3) Lateral drops
4) Open pivot (outside zone)
5) Flat path 3
6) Draw