This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Use this draw play for explosive runs to keep your passing game balanced and unpredictable.
Head Coach Jason Ronquillo of Yelm High School (Washington State) takes you throw a chalk talk and shows game footage for his explosive draw play.
The video below is an excerpt from his Zone 10 Offensive System that you can view on Glazier Drive. You will see clips for attacking multiple fronts.
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They like to run it to keep an aggressive defensive front honest.
Coach Ronquillo prefers to run the draw play against an odd front rather than an even front.
In a perfect world to run the draw, the defense would have a 3 man front and drop 8 into pass coverage.
The blocking rule for guards as soon as the ball is snapped is to run directly down the line and kick out the defensive ends.
The blocking rule for the tackles is to stand up and give a kick slide as in pass protection, then wrap inside to the nearest gap to the inside linebackers.