This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
If your running backs are struggling with pass protection, or if you just want to improve what you are currently doing, check out the Eyes, Hat, and Hands drill from Kevin Smith.
Coach Smith is the Running Backs Coach at Ole Miss. In the video, he shares his coaching points for running the drill and how the skills are applied when a running back is your sixth pass protector.
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🏈Be on the balls of your feet, thumbs up, elbows in.
🏈Be in a good athletic stance. The same stance you use for power cleans.
🏈Coach Smith doesn’t teach bouncing side to side so that there are no balance issues.
🏈He does teach that when the defender is closing the distance, have both feet on the ground with a light bounce, stike using hat and hands when the defender is giving “indicators” and are in close proximity.
🏈He wants his backs to be the one to strike first.
🏈In their drill work, they always assume they are inside-out on the quarterback, as that is how they need to protect.
🏈The safeties, corners, or backers that the running back is picking up will always give an indicator with their hands as to what type of move they will be using at the point of contact.