This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Dual screens give your quarterback the option to attack either side of the field depending on how the defense reacts.
Josh Niblett, Head Coach, Gainesville High School (Georgia) will take you through part of his dual screens concept in the video below. The video is one part of his 22 lesson Glazier Drive Hybrid Spread Offense System.
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You can view the lesson that the video below is taken from at: Screens: Perimeter Field & Boundary, Dual, & Slow
Some of the things Coach Niblett likes about dual screens:
🏈 Gives your quarterback options
🏈No matter what the defense does, you have an opportunity for a counter.
🏈They can be used in several ways…
- As one-word calls
- You can use it on first down
- You can use it on third down
- It’s good against blitz
- It’s good after a big play and you are anticipating a blitz
- It gives you an opportunity to use both sides of the field to balance the defense up
Like anything else, you have to work on dual screens to become good at running them.