Once again the inside jersey number of the 2 or 3 technique dictates the give or pull read. The give read happens when the quarterback sees the inside jersey number coming down to attack the dive or he can see the white of the number moving towards him. By reaching the ball back as deep as possible for a longer ride invites the down defender to make a decision one way or the other such as, he decides to play the quarterback. The key to keeping the defender from playing soft in the hole is to keep the quarterbacks momentum moving downhill. If the ride is shorten then the defender plays softer, if the ride is longer it usually brings the defender towards the dive (Fullback).
I want to talk about the “Third Hand” whenever the quarterback receives the ball from the center he wants to bring the ball up through his belly button which we call the “Third Hand” this keeps the reach back through the ride much smoother. What the quarterback doesn’t want to do is bring the ball back with a stiff arms because this doesn’t bait the read defender as much as bring the ball up through his “Third Hand”.
Another key coaching point with any dive mesh is to tell the running back to run with his eyes and head up as he runs through the hole. Whenever the back drops his eyes and head as he goes through the mesh it makes him clamp harder on the ball, if he runs with his eyes and head up it makes for a softer pocket, a smoother exchange and a better mesh between the fullback (dive back).
Something that I like to tell our backs as they go through the mesh and ride is to show their jersey number to the linebackers this to, will facilitate a softer pocket and mesh ride by the quarterback. Whenever the quarterback gets the give read have him continue to carry out his fake whenever possible a point of reference here is this I have our quarterback whenever possible to carry his fake out 15 yards down the field. Also a point to remember if the 2 or 3 technique continues to play up the field run the trap.
Whenever the quarterback gets the pull read he will want to replace the three technique while running down hill. Make sure that the quarterback takes his path out at an angle off the outside hip of the second tracker (blocker). If the quarterback cuts his path up field to soon he will over run his blocker thus, allowing the scraping linebacker to make the play. You might suggest that the quarterback take his path out at a 45 degree angle until he can break the perimeter.
Running midline into a 1 technique turns this play into a veer. Whenever faced with running midline into a 1 technique I would rather have our quarterback check us into the veer because of the blocking scheme for our offensive line.
The reason I have our quarterback check us into the veer is because of the blocking scheme. The inside veer is best run into a 1 technique so, why not run the veer. In order to keep my offensive line in quality reps for this play I don’t want to teach all the what if’s to them so, why not check this play into the veer because the veer blocking scheme is something that practice each day. Thus, I don’t want to incorporate the blocking scheme for the midline vs a 1 technique.
Six Perimeter Blocking Schemes For The Midline From Diamond
The Jill scheme is a fold scheme that
puts your tight end and tackle
incorporating a folld block whic
puts the tight end and playside guard
as the two trackers.
Base (Compliments the Jill Scheme)
The base call is incorporated into the
Jill scheme whenever a defense moves
into a 4-3 scheme or 7 defenders in
the box. Whenever the tight end and
tackle can’t fold (Jill) the tight end
will alert base thus sending your
tailback tracking the middle LBer.
The Army scheme puts your
tackle and tight end treying their
combo outside towards the outside
invert. Army puts you Tailback or
second tracker on the playside LBer.
The Mike scheme gives you the
ability to get the ball pitched
behind the L.O.S. whenever
the outside invert is falling in
on the QB when running the
Jill Scheme.
The Navy scheme incorporates the
Jill scheme with the tight end
wrapping around his tackle tracking
the outside invert. The Tailback is the
second tracker for the playside LBer
with his guard.
The Falcon scheme incorporates the Jill
scheme with the tight end tracking the
playside LBer to the free safety.
The Tailback now works off the outside
hip of the tight end as he tracks the
outside invert.
Quarterback Mechanics and Mesh For 10 -11 Midline Option
Whenever the quarterback gets a give read he
should carry out his fake. With this illustration the
tackle when playing upfield is probably taking QB
on his option responsibility.
In illustration # 2 the three technique
has decided to take the dive so the QB
gets a pull read. The QB wants to
replace the three technique
Illustration # 3 shows the three technique taking the dive thus, the QB replaces the three technique by getting downhill and running off the hip of the tight end.
Whenever working the Jill fold the ball will not get pitched until somewhere about 6 yards past the line of scrimmage.
Illustration # 4 explains the action of
the tailback in relationship to his QB.
The tailback on the snap of the ball
should get down hill immediately,
running at the outside jersey number
of the invert. When the tailback gets
to the line of scrimmage he should
start to alert Ball, Ball, Ball this draws
the attention of the outside invert.
10 – 11 Jill & Army
About the Author of this post:
Jerry Campbell has over 30 years of high school and college coaching experience. He has experience as a head coach, offensive coordinator, and various position coaches. He has written numerous football coaching articles in various publications, is the author of over 30 books on coaching football, and has produced 12 coaching video series. Additionally, he is a nationally sought after speaker on the coaching clinic circuit.