This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
There is no more furstrating feeling than great coverage resulting in a first down because the quarterback scrambles for the yardage.
In this video, Coach Chris Jewell, Defensive Coordinator, The College of Idaho shows chalk talk and game footage of three of the games they use to contain an athletic quarterback from scrambling.
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Containing the Athletic Quarterback with the Devensive Front
- Scramble the Front with 3 man movements & Limit Escape LanesThe movements or “Games” are 3 man twists designed to cause confusion and keep the Quarterback in the pocket.🏈Enter = DE to 3 technique side, will wrap and “Enter” the opposite A Gap. The 3 technique defensive tackle will buck (slant) for harpoon contain to the C gap. The 1 techniqe will “rip across center” (rack)The opposite of Enter is Exit🏈Exit = 3 technique Defensive Tackle, wrap & “Exit” the opposite C Gap. They want maximum movement from the defense front. The Rack with their 1 technique across the center. The DE on the 1 technique side makes an inside move and eats the B gap. This closes escape lanes for the Quarterback up the A and B gaps
- “Spy” the Quarterback with a Defensive Lineman🏈 “Ghost.” Creates a delayed “add in” pass rusher. The Defensive End steps off the line and become and “Outside Vise” run fitter. This is a good game to use when your opponent runs a lot of Quarterback draws.