This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Learn how to teach your receivers to create separation with these six releases. The clinician is Chad Savage, Wide Receivers Coach at Colorado State. The clip was taken from his Glazier Drive Clinic: WR Fundamentals & Off Season Development
In the video, Coach Savage discusses the 6 releases, shows off-season breakdown work, practice film, as well as game applications.
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- Club Rip/Club Swim
- Gangster
- Chop/Pull Thru
- Pull, Pull, Chop
- Speed
- 1 step, 2 step, and 3 step counter
- Pop halves
Teaching Points for start and stance:
- Don’t move to move (You shouldn’t go down to go forward and you shouldn’t false step to go forward.
- Get in a stance where you are “activated” and can do your job at maximum efficiency.
- Proper weight distribution and bend in the knee. (80 front foot/20 back foot vs. off coverage and 50/50 vs. press coverage).
- Arms bent, hands open and relaxed, protect your chest at all times. The less surface area the defense has to hold up, the more precise the route.
- No time between snap and get offs.
- Use peripheral vision to see the ball snaped.
- Drill and emphasize start and stance every day.