This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Colorado State Offensive Line Coach Billy Best takes you through some of their Gap Scheme drills for their offensive linemen. His entire presentation is available on Glazier Drive at O-Line Gap Scheme Individual Techniques for All Levels.
In the video below, you will see practice film and game application footage of his:
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Foot Fire Technique Drills : Center Back Block and PST VS 2 Look
Near Foot Technique and finally Down Blocks Drills
Coach Best always starts his drills with the lineman’s feet on fire-never from a static position.
For the near foot technique, near foot in the ground and near shoulder making contact on a combination block, then come off and look for the linebacker.
The way they teach down blocks is for the lineman to put his helmet in the V of the defender’s neck and drive.