This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Vanderbuilt Offense line Coach AJ Blazek coaches you up on two drills that he uses with his Offensive Linemen.
The first drill is called “Score” and it challenges players to keep a pass rusher away from a 5 yard area. The second is 3 Punch.
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You can check out Coach Blazek’s entire clinic “O-Line Pass Pro Progression” only on Glazier Drive
Everything starts from the ground up in their offensive line play.
Coach teaches pushing with your feet in the direction you are trying to go.
Keep the feet wide and do not bring them together. He teaches this concept by telling the players to keep their knees wide and to keep them apart.
Moving to the right, the lineman needs to be able to cover ground with the right half of their body and right knee.
He does not favor foot fire or pitter patter. He wants them to settle on the defender so they can anchor and block him.
He wants linemen to concentrate on knees and elbows rather than hands and feet. A pass rusher can step over the offensive lineman’s foot and still get to the quarterback. If the OLineman’s knee is in the way, the defender can’t run through his body.
Due to that, “Cover with your knees” is a constant coaching point.
The elbows should remain tight and there is no arm movement when he teaches the skill of maintaining wide feet.
When a defender redirects you have to cover it with your knee.
He works young players with veterans. He believes that sometimes the young players can learn more from the older players than from your coaching. The veterans already know your coaching points and the “rookies” can see them being applied.