This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
If you are looking for a way to stress the defense, you have to check out Landon Grove’s presentation on Glaizer Drive: Multiple Triple Option Attacks out of the Spread
Landon is the Head Coach at West Catholic HS (MI). The video below is a 10-minute segment from his entire clinic.
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On all of their triple option teaching:
- The OLINE is responsible for C gap to C gap. Read keys are based on the idea that the oline has that responsibility. They are responsible for Power, Coutner, GT, and Duo.
- D Gap players and second-level defenders are the responsibility of the play caller by keeping them honest and forcing them to respect other parts of the offense.
Install Process
- All runs are installed without any option tags. They start by teaching power and straight up counter.
- They add complimentary runs once power and counter are introduced.
- Duo scheme is added after Gap scheme is installed.
- Add RPOs, Double Options, and Triple Options to each scheme.
- Power: Power Read, Jet Read, Toss Read, and RPOs
- GT and Duo: Double Options, Triple Options, and RPOs