This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
Jason Mohns, Tight Ends Coach Arizona State, is a former 7 time state champion coach at Saguaro High School in Arizona. The video in the presentation is from his time as a high school coach.
His entire clinic on Utilizing Unbalanced Formations in the Multiple Spread Offense is available in Glazier Drive.
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A few more notes are provided belos the video.
Some rationale for his system:
- He wants a system that allows him to get the ball to his best players in space.
- The system should be simple for the offense, but appear complex for the defense.
- The more that you can force the defense to have to recognize and communicate in a short period of time because you’re chaning the picture, you usually give yourself the advantage.
Benefits of Using Unbalanced Formations
- Create 3 & 4-man surfaces in the rung game.
- Use tackle over calls to create advantages.
- Create confusion for the defensive alignment.
- Force the defense to communicate.
- Create spacing and matchup advantages on the perimeter.
- Use WR “Ghost” formations to create advantages.
- Easy to implement and forces opponents to spend time preparing for the “what-ifs.”