This article was originally posted on the Glazier Coaching Blog.
When coaching your punter, there is a balance that needs to be struck between universal fundamentals and traits that are specific to each individual punter.
Taylor Mehlhaff, former NFL Kicker, and former Special Teams Analyst at Wisconsin, gives you some insights into how to determine those for your punters.
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Key Questions:
🏈What do the best punters in the world do in common?
🏈What do individual punter’s bodies do best and what do their bodies resist?
🏈By studying what your punter’s body wants to do naturally allows you to make the individual tweaks for him.
🏈 The Catch: Catch the ball out front instead of at the body–like receivers are taught. If the ball gets into the punter’s body, he has to move the ball to get to the drop table, which wastes time and it throws off the approach tempo. Soft hands, but rigid arms so that the ball stays where it is caught.
🏈 The Drop: The ball should be tilted at 11 o’clock for right footers and 1 o’clock for lefties. The ball should be on the fingertips.