This is the first of a two part series on tackling drills.
Here is the link to part 1 of this drill: Tackling Part 2
1. Six Point Tackle Progression Drill
Our six point progression places two players facing each other on their knees.
On command from the coach one designated defender will shoot his hands and arms from his side, thowing them in an upward motion from low to high position.
As the arms are being brought from a low to high position the defender will roll his hips forward.
The phrase that will be taught to our players to keep the hips underneath us will be to bring our jersey number from low to high (numbers up through the offenses numbers).
While rolling the hips forward from a low to high position we will grab cloth and pull the offensive player in tight.
2. Two Point Tackle Progression & Fit Drill
The fit drill begins with tackler five yards from the ball carrier. Tackler will sprint at the ball carrier at the ball carrier, break down, sink the hips, club the arms from low to high, grab cloth, and bring his numbers up through the ball carriers number using a low to high movement. Once the tackler
breaks down he should keep his feet moving until a coach gives him the command to stop. Offensive player stands in a position with his arms up so the tackler can work his fit technique of tackling.
3. Two Point Tackle Progression Drill
Using the diagrams from drills #2 and #3 you will begin to get a good picture on how the fit and finish drill is to be conducted. Both players begin at 10 yards apart. On coaches command both players will run at each other, upon the two players reaching each other the tackler will drop his hips a throw his arms from a low to high position or his numbers up throgh the offensive players numbers. Upon contact the tackler will explode his base to shoulder width apart while exploding up through the offensive player. The offensive player will, upon reaching the tackler jump up while placing his
hands on the shoulders of the tackler to assit him with the lifting motion. The tackler will lift and finish by taking the offensive player back 5 yards. Great drill to work finish technique, if tackler can’t lift the offensive player it is probably caused by his inability to sink and lift with his legs and hips.
4. Angle Tackle Progression & Fit Drill
With angle tackling you will form two lines with one line being the ball carriers and the other line the tacklers. This drill simulates angle tackling.
Upon movement by the offensive player he will run to and past the cone allowing the tackler to work his angle tackling. The tackler will cut off the offensive player at the cone by putting his helmet and body in front of the ball carrier and across the ball carriers numbers. Upon reaching the ball carrier the tackler will sink his hips and explode his base will running through and beyond the ball carrier. The tackler will continue to move his feet on contact, the tacklers helmet must be in front of the ball carrier.
Here is the link to part 1 of this drill: Tackling Part 2
About the Author of this post:
Jerry Campbell has over 30 years of high school and college coaching experience. He has experience as a head coach, offensive coordinator, and various position coaches. He has written numerous football coaching articles in various publications, is the author of over 30 books on coaching football, and has produced 12 coaching video series. Additionally, he is a nationally sought after speaker on the coaching clinic circuit.