To develop quickness, the ability to change directions, to lengthen the fatigue factor, to develop mental toughness, and to respond effectively to instructions, to enhance:
1. Escaping a block.
2. Running to the football.
3. Laying your body out to make a tackle.
4. Explosion at and on the line of scrimmage.
5. Breaking on the football.
6. Establishing a block.
7. Maintaining a block.
8. Cutting to the hole.
Drills: Used in approximately nine, minutes each.
1. Bear & Touch
2. Parallel Run
3. Backward Crab
4. Forward Crab
5. Backward Flop
6. Bear & Wave
7. Seat Roll
8. Progressive Run
9. Read & Run
1. Bear and Touch
a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.
b. Reaction Key -Sight, eyes on coaches command.
c. Movement -On the sight key the athlete will snap to a bear position crawl to the end of the mat and layout touching the end of the mat.
2. Parallel Run
a. Starting Position: Left toe and left hand on the end of the mat in a 4 point stance.
b. Reaction Key -Sight, eyes on focused on coach.
c. Movement -On the sight key the athlete will move lateral down the mat, upon reaching the end of the mat he will do a side roll.
3. Backward Crab
a. Starting Position: Lie flat on back, heels located at the end of the mat.
b. Reaction Key -Sound.
c. Movement -On sound key athlete will crab 1/3 of the way and then backward roll to a front crab, back to a back crab, flip and go to
end in a bear crab. On command finish with a hard 5 off the mat.
4. Forward Crab
a. Starting Position: Lie flat on your back, head located at the end of mat.
b. Reaction Key -Sound.
c. Movement -On sound command forward crab 1/3 of the way, backward roll, forward roll, bear and touch off.
d. End of Drill -Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break his command. Finish all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.
5. Back Flops
a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.
b. Reaction Key -Sound and sight.
c. Movement -On sound command snap to a 4 point stance and move feet in position. On second command coach gives direction and athlete will tough scapula to the mat and then snap back to a 4 point stance. On coaches final command athlete will forward roll and bear crawl and touch end of mat then sprint a hard 5 yards.
6. Bear Wave
a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.
b. Reaction Key -Sound.
c. Movement -On coaches command athlete will snap to a 4 point stance then on a second command athlete will move laterally in that direction. On final command athlete will forward roll and bear crawl and touch off.
d. End of Drill -Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break on coaches command and then finish with a 5 yard sprint.
8. Progressive Run
a. Starting Position: Lie flat on your back, head located at the end of mat.
b. Reaction Key -Sound.
c. Movement -On sound command forward crab 1/3 of the way, backward roll, forward roll, bear and touch off.
d. End of Drill -Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break on his command. Finish all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.
9. Read and Run
a. Starting Position: All athletes will start from a 4 point stance.
b. Reaction Key -Sight.
c. Movement -On coaches command the athlete will react to a hand command by the coach which can move the athlete from side to side, forwards or backwards as the athlete works towards the end of the mat. The next command will have the athlete touching off at end of the mat.
d. d. End of Drill -Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break his command. Finish read and run with a hard 5 off the mat.
Touching off comes at the end of the mat. When a football player throws his body reaching with all he has, to be the first one across the line, will put him competing against the other 3 from the line of 4 teammates. When doing the touch off correctly the first part of the body to make contact on the chest. Football is a game of throwing your body either to: Mat drills is a great opportunity to maintain your competitive edge will expanding and teaching football pacific techniques ie; stance, hitting positions, tackling, body balance and position, quick feet, finish, and team building.
1. Make a Tackle.
2. Make a Block.
3. Make an Extra Yard.
4. Going For The Fumble.
About the Author of this post:
Jerry Campbell has over 30 years of high school and college coaching experience. He has experience as a head coach, offensive coordinator, and various position coaches. He has written numerous football coaching articles in various publications, is the author of over 30 books on coaching football, and has produced 12 coaching video series. Additionally, he is a nationally sought after speaker on the coaching clinic circuit.