Parents please feel free at anytime to contact the Head Football Coach on the main Sr. Campus at the field house if you have any questions or concerns about your son and his involvement in the football program.
Be positive with your son. Let him know how proud you of him by simply being part of team – don’t put him down!
Encourage him to work hard and do his best. Don’t offer excuses if he is not playing. There is usually a reason for it and he should discuss it with his coach.
Be loyal to the program and to the coaches. The coach represents the boss- authority – parent – teacher- etc. If parents constantly put down the coach, how can we expect your son to play for him? Teach your child to be a DOER, not a complainer!
Insist that your son follows TEAM RULES! No matter which team your son is on, players must follow the rules! Athletics is very demanding and coaches are concerned with a player’s activities. In order to get the maximum physical and mental performance, he needs to follow team rules!
Insist of good GRADES! Monitor your son’s homework. It is a parent’s duty to see that homework gets done. Bring him to tutorials, if necessary. Tutors are available in all subjects.
Be Positive toward ALL other players in the program. Please do not carry bad feelings towards other players because of incidents that may have occurred between others. Every player has an important role on the team and all roles contribute to the success of the entire team.
Insist that your son maintains his self-control! Self respect begins with self-control.
Refrain from comparing your son with previous athletes who have played sports, or with other players on his team. Encourage your son to be himself and develop his own god given talents. Do not put undue pressure on your son by thinking only in terms of scholarships. Scholarships are the results of unselfish play and team skills, as well as individual talent. A college coach prefers team players, rather than one focused on his self!
Have your son see their position coach if they have a problem. Almost all concerns can be handled at this step. Coaches are here because they love coaching and love working with your children.
Time flies quickly as your son goes through high school. Make the most of each game!
Pursuing Victory with Honor
Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians
Athletic competition of interscholastic age children should be fun and should also be a significant part of a sound educational program. Everyone involved in sports programs has a duty to assure that their programs impart important life skills and promote the development of good character. Essential elements of character building are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and
six core ethical values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship (the “Six Pillars of Character” SM). The highest potential of sports is achieved when all involved consciously Teach, Enforce, Advocate and Model (T.E.A.M.) these values and are committed to the ideal of pursuing victory with honor. Parents/guardians of student-athletes can
and should play an important role and their good-faith efforts to honor the words and spirit of this code can dramatically improve the quality of a child’s sports experience.
Our athletic program subscribes to the “Pursuing Victory With Honor” and the “Six Pillars of Character” these service marks are from CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, a project of the Josephson Institute of Ethics.
Trustworthiness — Be worthy of trust in all you do.
Integrity — Live up to high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and encourage players to pursue victory with honor. Do what’s right even when it’s unpopular or personally costly.
Honesty —Live honorably. Don’t lie, cheat, steal or engage in any other dishonest conduct.
Reliability— Fulfill commitments. Do what you say you will do.
Loyalty — Be loyal to the school and team; Put the interests of the team above your child’s personal glory.
Respect —Treat all people with respect at all times and require the same of your student-athletes.
Class — Teach your child to live and play with class and be a good sport. He/she should be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity, compliment extraordinary performance, and show sincere respect in pre- and post-game rituals.
Disrespectful Conduct — Don’t engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks of a sexual nature, trash talking, taunting, boastful celebrations, or other actions that demean individuals or the sport.
Respect for Officials — Treat game officials with respect. Don’t complain or argue about calls or decisions during or after an athletic event.
Importance of Education — Support the concept of “being a student first.” Commit your child to earning a diploma and getting the best possible education. Be honest with your child about the likelihood of getting an athletic scholarship or playing on a professional level. Reinforce the notion that many universities will not recruit student-athletes who do not have a serious commitment to their education. Be the lead contact for college and university coaches in the recruiting process.
Role Modeling — Remember, participation in sports is a privilege, not a right. Parents/guardians too should represent the school, coach and teammates with honor, on and off the court/field. Consistently exhibit good character and conduct yourself as a positive role model.
Self-Control — Exercise self-control. Don’t fight or show excessive displays of anger or frustration.
Healthy Lifestyle — Promote to your child the avoidance of all illegal or unhealthy substances including alcohol, tobacco, drugs and some over-the counter nutritional supplements, as well as of unhealthy techniques to gain, lose or maintain weight.
Integrity of the Game — Protect the integrity of the game. Don’t gamble or associate with gamblers.
Sexual Conduct — Sexual or romantic contact of any sort between students and adults involved with interscholastic athletics is improper and strictly forbidden. Report misconduct to the proper authorities.
Fairness and Openness—Live up to high standards of fair play. Be open-minded, always willing to listen and learn.
Caring Environment — Consistently demonstrate concern for student-athletes as individuals and encourage them to look out for one another and think and act as a team.
Spirit of the Rules — Honor the spirit and the letter of rules. Teach your children to avoid temptations to gain competitive advantage through improper gamesmanship techniques that violate the highest traditions of sportsmanship.
I have read and understand the requirements of this Code of Conduct and acknowledge that I may be disciplined if I violate any of its provisions.
_______________________________________ _________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
About the Author of this post:
Jerry Campbell has over 30 years of high school and college coaching experience. He has experience as a head coach, offensive coordinator, and various position coaches. He has written numerous football coaching articles in various publications, is the author of over 30 books on coaching football, and has produced 12 coaching video series. Additionally, he is a nationally sought after speaker on the coaching clinic circuit.