Here are four simple drills to teach long snapping that will help to improve the technique and consistency of your long snapper. No matter what happens in a game the long snapper will play a role. Whether it is punting or placing kicking, the long snapper can win or lose games for you. It is a skill that must be taught and drilled. In these three short videos Ben Fuller from demonstrates four different long snapping drills that he uses to get long snappers to “feel” the correct technique.
These are just a few examples of a series of drills that he utilizes. To view his other long snapping drills as well as fundamental teaching points on grip, wrist position,stance, back and chest postion, click on the link to Ray Guy Prokicker Kicking Camps YouTube Channel or you can visit for all kinds of great tools to improve your kicking game.
The YouTube videos below have sound, so please make sure that your sound is turned on and that you have access to the site (Some schools block access to YouTube)
Drop Drill and Slap Drill
Rip Snap Drill
Kick Back Drill
While these long snapping drills are very simple, they are effective in helping your long snapper get a feel for the correct technique. When used properly they will help to develop the proper muscle memory needed to be a great long snapper. Repetitive drills like these are necessary to produce consistent results from your long snapper.
The first drill is the Drop Drill and can be used to increase hand speed, while the Slap Drill will help teach the long snapper to turn his hands outward. To help prevent hitching before snapping, have your long snapper try the Rip Snap drill. To produce maximum power and consistency the long snapper should lock his legs straight on the snap. The Kick Back Drill is a great drill to help the athlete to lock his hamstrings out when snapping the ball.
What drills do you have for the shot gun, spread or pistol snap